Sunday, April 18, 2010


Some days I can barely get going.

Take yesterday, for example. I got up about 2 hours later than planned, and did almost nothing on my list. In fact, I filled my day with other less critical tasks to take away enough time to do the things on my list. Things like ride my horse, go for a run, go for a bike ride. Important things.

And when I sat down and did nothing, I felt terrible and depressed and then had a harder time getting going. I felt heavy and dumb and useless. I very breifly considered giving up on the whole Blackwood Marathon... "whose stupid idea was this anyway?"

But then this morning, I was up when I planned, rode my bike like I planned, dealt with my horse's sore leg like I planned.

An object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest likes to stay at rest. Yesterday I was a resting object, and couldn't find the rocket launcher to get my butt going. Yet today, I was up-an-attem! What was the difference?

I think the big one was that this morning I was meeting people. At a certain time. And they were waiting for me. And how much of a tard would I look if I didn't show up? And then I was moving, my endorphins were charging and my day was looking a lot brighter than if I had just laid in bed and thought about what I should have done instead of what I just accomplished, and anticipating the "what's next?"

I think I really enjoy exercise for the social aspect of it. I prefer to workout at the gym with Jen, she's fun to work out with, and she challenges me, and I push her. And since she's hurt her arm, I haven't done a single bit of weight training, and I can feel that I've completely neglected my upper body!

I like to cycle with Helen and Amanda, even though I feel bad that I'm not as fast as them and I slow them down. But that makes me try harder, and that makes me a better cyclist!

I like to go for rides with Lauren, she always has something to say and a challenge in mind that I probably wouldn't consider doing myself. I don't get bored on a ride with Lauren!

I run on my own, and I think if I had a running partner I'd probably do it more often (I usually do only 2 out of 5 planned runs a week!), and that makes me think that I should just call up Trish. She finds running on the treadmill boring, and so do I!

Rowing I can do on my own with music because it's short and I'm usually doing it because there's nothing good on tv anyway and it kills the boredom. But if I was out on the water, I'd prefer to do it with someone. Then I could go out for a nice long paddle and not feel lonely or worried or ... I don't know, at least I'd have someone to share the experience with.

And whenever I do Balance I am doing it with the mirror and my imaginary class of participants, and we are all brilliant, and I never make a mistake! :)

So I think people are key to my success. For those moments when I don't think I can, I think that's when I need to phone a friend!

How do you get up and going?

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