Saturday, May 15, 2010

Checking in Week 4

This week was a bit crazy and I didn't have as many sessions planned since we had so much on at work, and a trip to Perth to fit in. So, let's see:

Monday – Bike, Horse – 2 / 2 except that I did a run and a horse, not a bike. Can't recall the excuse I used. I think I just felt like running after everything went belly up last weekend and I didn't get a run in Saturday or Sunday.

Tuesday – Run Fit, Circuit – 1 /2 – slept in and missed Run Fit! Oops!

Wednesday – Bike, Ride, Balance – 1 / 3 – this was the day I locked the keys in the car. Horse ride that was planned with Lauren and Kristy got moved to a time too late for me to make it to work, so I bought groceries and did laundry instead. These things just needed to be done, and I know I could have ridden alone, but thought I should seize this opportunity, knowing how busy the rest of the week was going to be. Might have to plan in time for these tasks too! I'll be like some regimental solider with my plan getting this specific!

Thursday – Run, Balance, Attack – 3 / 3 – this makes up for everything! I ran 10km, I taught Balance and didn't wimp out, and then did Attack (though it was REALLY hard and I was quite stiff!!) and I still fit in dinner with family! This was a really great day!!

Friday – Work - no planned sessions due to massive work event, and then had to prepare to travel to Perth. Was thinking I might be able to have a little ride on TK if I had time after getting ready, but after sorting everything out to leave it was too dark. Didn't plan on it, but was hopeful.

Saturday – Course - no planned sessions as was in Perth on a Wellness Coaching course. Left at 5:30am and returned home at 8:30pm. Did the dishes (this is oddly relevant to me).

Sunday – Unplanned Day - wasn't sure what would happen, if we'd still be in Perth or in Bunbury, there were a few ideas floating around, so didn't actually plan anything for today. We came home Saturday night instead so suggested a horse ride to Lauren and will probably run, but Mat was also talking about heading to Albany for a bit of R&R. We'll see what happens!

Planned: 10
Actual: 7
Percentage: 70%

I have decided that I need to get a wind trainer so I can ride my bike inside, since the weather turned colder I am loathing every thought of riding outside! Perhaps some gloves and arm warmers and long winter riding pants will change that, but right now I am just avoiding the bike like the plague. We will spend my $500 gift certificate in the next few weeks when we go to Bunbury and I will get this wet weather riding gear then. If we go to Albany this weekend and if K-Mart still has those Wind Trainers for $150 I will grab one of those right away. After all, my dad already gave me the money for it for my birthday two months ago!

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