Thursday, November 4, 2010

War Wounds

These pictures don't really show off my injuries as well as I'd like, but here are the three main culprits that keep making me wince! I'm such a wuss!

This first one is my left calf/shin where I fell against the rocks trying to get into my kayak. It doesn't look like much in the photo, but it's surrounded by a lovely green bruise that just doesn't like being touched. It needed to be covered to keep the flies off it. It was kind of embarassing to have a big bandage on it for just a few scrapes, but flies love blood, and I hate flies! So I had it dressed up with a full wrap bandage, since the ambos didn't just have a bandaid, fix-a-mole or spray plaster. What kind of dodgy service are they running there anyway? hehe

Kayaking Wounds

This is the saddle sore on the back of my left knee/thigh. It burns just being there. It doesn't even like to have fabric touching it. It sucks. I can't bend my knee right back (as in swan pose) without feeling it heat up like a fresh ember! Funny though, I didn't even know I had it until I had a shower after the event and the water running over it made me jump!

Saddle Sores

And finally, also not impressive until you touch it, my second toe. There was a nasty blood blister underneath it, which has released, but the nail is lifted and there's dried blood under the nail too, that just won't clean out. It hurts every time I bump it. I felt this happen, as I was running down those big hills, my toe was sliding slightly forward and jamming into my shoe. I have the misfortune of having a size 8.5 left foot and 8 right foot. So I wear 8.5s. This has never been a real issue until taking up running, as that extra half size allows the right foot to move a little more, and voila! I have smashed toenails!

Ugly feet!
 Anyway, there's my war wounds!
Don't you just love showing off your bruises, scars and other injuries of pride? I know I do!!
Do you like to compare injuries, or are you more of a "I don't want to see that" kind of person?


  1. Don't look too bad actually, ah but the price we pay for things sometimes...

  2. No it isn't that bad, I've certainly had worse injuries. But I'm a complainer and a baby! :)
