It was a great long weekend!
Good weather, wonderful people, great horse, beautiful trails.
Pretty much couldn't have dreamed it better!
Day 1 - Mat drove me down there, set me up, and drove home, and I went off on a 7km ride. I decided to cut it short because TK had started out wild and crazy, but our lessons had paid off, and he had gotten mellow and happy by the time we had the choice to come in or carry on, and I wanted to reward him for doing so well!
Day 2 - 24km and an "Amazing Race" with fun little games. Loads of fun. Carman and I rode together and we did pretty well on the challenges. I managed to rope a peg after two tries and had never thrown a lariat/lasso ever before! We also got the most questions right about the cowboys in the trees :) Sometimes it pays to go slow!
Day 3 - Headed out for 11km with Kelly, but TKs feet were WAY too sore, and there was way too much gravel on this track. It wasn't fair to him, so I rode him for a very short while in the arena until he was loosened up. He got to eat lots and lots as I packed up and waited for Mat to come back and get me.
We headed home, I showered (no showers for three days!) and slept like the dead!
I met some incredibly cool people on the weekend:
Claire on Thorn, Sally on Tolkien, Kelly on Pip (who was the lady who rode in with me at the Mayanup endurance ride), and Carman with Dee (who is a former Katanning resident). And countless nameless others who were just awesome!
More stories and hopefully pictures to come.
10/10 weekend!
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