Wednesday was a pretty good day. I didn't do a lot of big distances or anything, but I still managed to ride my horse, ride my bike, paddle and do Body Odyssey! The only bad thing: I didn't get a nap squeezed in like I had hoped!
I called Helen and asked if she wanted to do a quick Police Pools ride with me in the morning, but she was already doing the Carmetticup Loop, which I am in no shape to do, especially not at her speeds, but I could meet her and Nic on Trimmer Road as they finish up. Even though they already had 45km behind them, much of it into the wind, they were still faster than me! So even though I did alright, and comparatively I did quite well compared to my solo runs, it was still frustrating to feel so very slow!
I fear that's my biggest failing with cycling. Frustration! As much as I might improve, I am always finding myself frustrated with my inability to get past certain things. I can't seem to get my cadence up, I can't get up those hills as well, I can't bring my overall average up to where I wish it were. Of course, the only way to actually accomplish that would be to ride more, but I don't because I seem to experience frustration in greater abundance than success, which isn't very motivating! :)
Anyway, prior to that I did a short bareback session with TK working on our brakes. I did much better with Chris helping to keep me doing it right, but it was good to get on him and have just a short play. If nothing else, that contact helps reinforce the bond between horse and rider and by being a short session, neither of us got frustrated. We practiced, we finished, everyone went home happy. It wasn't perfect, but it was progress.
I also paddled for the few minutes I had between the horse ride and bike ride. Glad I did it, I could really feel the muscles reminding me that I haven't used them in awhile and they needed the training. Hope to get on the water this Sunday. We'll see if things go a bit better than last weekend!
And then finally, at 6:00pm, Kirsty, Amanda and I taught Body Odyssey as our new release launch format! Oh my goodness it was SO MUCH FUN! We did 4 Body Pump tracks, 5 Body Attack tracks, and 4 Body Balance tracks, with a cooldown & stretch. We had 23 people in class, we had Lorna Jane clothing for sale down the back, and it looked like a party! It was so exciting! Since nothing can be perfect, I started the Ab track with the Hips music! hahaha OOPS!
All-in-all, it was a busy and productive day! I was really happy with the training I squeezed in, particularly with the other commitments I had during the day.
I went home and was in bed by 9:30!
Today was less interesting. Just work and Attack today. We were busy at work, lots of meetings, setting up, tearing down, changing over. And we had an afternoon tea. This means my Seniors Gym class has snacks after class. Snacks, when produced by marvellous cooks with decades of experience means I eat way more than I need to. Body Attack burns off about 400 calories in the hour. I would need to do about five classes to burn off what I ate today! Oh heavens! Shall we call it carbo-loading to justify? :) hehe
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