Wednesday, October 27, 2010

And in other news...

After work on Tuesday, I took my aunt and uncle through TKs dressing, undressing and cooling procedures. They'll be fine. He'll be fine. He's not a complicated horse, and he's not a real fighter. As long as they stay calm with him, he'll stay calm too.

I have invited T&E over for dinner on Thursday night to go through details of who will be doing what and where and when so that everyone (especially me) can feel secure in knowing what's happening on the big day. Knowing that the logistics are sorted will be a big relief.

I have secured the use of a leisure kayak, and can pick it up any time.

Now I am just waiting on my delivery of my hydration belt and bike box. I hope they come soon! This is a bit frustrating! I was expecting them last week.

I called Alison last night. What a cool lady! She's doing the full Blackwood for her 50th birthday. She figured if she waited any longer she'll be too old! She has done the swim leg many times in the past, and has done the horse leg on a few occasions, and she lives right at the start of the nasty bike ride. Perfect training grounds. Right on the doorstep of everything!

She did the run in 1 hour 20 minutes, and she did the bike ride this weekend in 52 minutes on a borrowed bike she's only ridden the once. (Though she has been training on a mountain bike, so switching to a racer should make it super-easy by comparison.) She is doing her horse ride on a 22 year old horse (which isn't ancient, but certainly not a youngster) but he's well trained and seasoned. She is expecting to do the run, kayak and swim in about the same time as me.

She will have 60 people at her house over the weekend. All competitors and their friends and families. She said it started with just a few people, and has snowballed into this major event, not just for town, but for her household as well! And she invited me over Friday night to visit and meet a few people.

What a busy, cool, neat lady! A real inspiration! And I laughed and said that I was really happy that I'll have some company out there at the tail end of the event, but said that since I'm quite a few years younger than her, I might have to try to beat her by at least one second! She laughed and said that would be fine as long as we both finish! In fact, I don't know that I will beat her. She does have a local advantage that will make her training far more effective than mine.

It's Wednesday morning and I was originally going to do a swim, bike, run, but I think I should take TK out for a ride first. He hasn't had much work this last fortnight. Of course, neither have I! I better get at it then!

Three days, and I'm DEFINITELY counting now!

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