Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday - 11th October - 19 days to go

Oh geez, I'm in the teens!

But I had a good Monday. Monday's are usually a good workout day. It's the start of my week and I approach it with much vigour. Today was no exception.

I started with a 13km run, which I did I a good time. My fastest outdoor run of that distance so far, especially if I were to knock of the four minutes of farting around I did in the middle of the run.

It was a two loop trek of just over 6.5k, and so when I came in to the start/finish the first time at 39 minutes, I decided to give myself a full minute to rehydrate, and restart my run at 40 minutes, since that was my target time. And then I thought I better text G and tell him that I am going to be a little later to the pool, since I started my run a bit later than expected. Then I took off, and he replied, so I checked that, and then I saw my horses both laying down having a little nap, and they were SO CUTE I simply had to stop and take a photo. Of course, it's a new phone, and I was having a little trouble with it all... so at 43 minutes I actually started to run again!

80 minutes was my total target time for the 13km run, and I checked my watch at one point in the second lap and thought that from that point in the first lap I took 15 minutes to get to the start/stop point, so I better hurry, because I've only got 12 minutes!!  And so I started to push it! And push it hard! I was cruising! I betcha I was actually doing the otherwise unachievable 12km/hr at that point. And I ran like that for 9 minutes (!!) before I had to slow up a bit, but by that time, I was really on the home stretch and I came in in 78 minutes! Yes, that's right, you heard me correctly! I kicked ASS!  Now, granted, a 4 minute rest certainly helped, but maybe I should take a little lesson from that:
rests and breaks are your friend!
Then I zipped down to the pool on my bike and had a great little swim. The water was a balmy 22 degrees, just right for laps and I was doing 100 metres in about 2.5minutes pretty consistently. I did 1200m in about 30 minutes and was pretty pleased with that! The only complaint I really had was that my calves cramped up in the last few hundred metres. Ouchies!

I rode my bike to the pool and had intended to do PP Road and head home, but guess what!? I forgot to put on my helmet! Are you serious? How stupid is that?! So I rode home to get my helmet and then kinda just stayed there and had a REALLY long hot shower. I was SO cold! The wind was nasty once again. Will have to consider how to get and keep warm if it's a cool day on the BIG DAY!

On the gear front I have had a success!! I found an old K-Mart/Wal-Mart special in a bag that I probably have never worn before. You can tell it's cheap because there's a label inside with bright red writing:


Wow, no marshmallow roasts for me!

But on the up-side, it doesn't chafe! It's not the most supportive little thing in the world, but luckily (I guess) I wasn't built with much bounce, if you know what I mean, so I was still comfortable on the run, and it was fine in the swim. I also ran and swam in my bike shorts, and although there's nothing attractive about wearing a full chamois bottom pair of shorts, I was comfortable enough.

So, still a few things to get taken care of, a few purchases to make, but getting there!

Balance was a welcome treat. I really needed Balance. The stretching and relaxation were just what my body needed.

Also, booked my recovery massage for the Monday following the Blackwood. That'll be nice! Something great to look forward to! :)

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