I didn't work out Tuesday night due to my neck complaint.
Wednesday morning no run or anything for the same reason, but did do Balance Wednesday night! Had 7 people in the end, when I was all but convinced we'd have no one. Only 2 people showed up for Pump, so what chance did Balance have?! My neck only gave me a little yelp a couple of times... funny how many little niggles and complaints I am developing.
Today, Thursday, my neck feels much better. I have almost complete range of motion without pain, just a bit tight on the left and when dropping my head completely forward, but it isn't restricting me at all, so I went to Attack! And then there was no Attack! Blah! School holidays suck! It's like the entire world stops functioning normally!
Anyway, since she had no students to teach Attack to, Kirsty and I did a few Pump tracks in the gym instead. Biceps and Triceps were really good. I should probably put more weight on Backs, Butts & Hamstrings, but just worry about my back in the deadlifts (my form is terrible), though I have no problem in the clean and presses, and I could row 5's for ages and ages. Should have gone heavier in Squats, since we didn't do Lunges. But I got a workout in, which is good, because I've had a few days off, and it's always nice to feel physical again. Reading a book and relaxing is great, and I've no regrets at all, but exercise makes me feel really alive!
I've been eating well all this week and last, too, and although I've stopped writing in my food diary (that lasted about 4 or 5 days and now is completely off the radar again), I am still making sure I get two fruit and that we have at least one meal completely chock full of veggies, but preferably two. I've baked home made bread two times this week (since I wasn't running anywhere), and we had really nice salad sandwiches for lunch yesterday. Today was probably my worst day nutrition-wise (I've eaten a lot of peanut butter sandwiches), though I did get 2 serves of fruit and 2 of dairy, but no veggies yet to speak of... so bring on the stir-fry for tonight's dinner! Mat and I did indulge in a family block of chocolate between us on Thursday night last week as we enjoyed a night in, but I haven't had any microwavable convenience food at all in two weeks! :) YAY ME! I feel so much better!
I am hoping that by being conscious of my diet and exercise, and by recording it here, I am holding myself accountable to whomever is taking the time out of their day to read about my challenges. So thanks for reading and keeping me honest!
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