Monday, July 26, 2010

The Rest of Sunday

I did end up napping Sunday afternoon.  I really needed a nap!  Only had a half-hour lay-down, but it sure helped!

I did lots of housework, at least 5 loads of laundry (where does it all come from!?), and scrubbed my much neglected bathroom.

And I did TKs lessons, and he was so good!  He really absorbed Chris' lessons and responded well, and didn't challenge me like he had done during our lesson.  Now to just keep it up!

I also spoke to Lauren, who was still in Perth and is going to pick up a crop for me.  She'll be back on Monday evening.  I did speak to her about riding TK, but it doesn't sound like she's going to have time to help with TK, so I might just start putting it out there to other riders and see if there's anyone looking for a horse to ride.  The unfortunate truth about horses, though, is that there are far more horses looking for riders than riders looking for horses.

We went to T&Es for dinner and it was really lovely, though both Mat and I were exhausted from our days' work, and probably really poor company. Mat worked all weekend - again - and came home and had a nap also before we headed out.  We had a nice meal, very basic, and sometimes that's the best! Beef, gravy and beans with mashed potato and pumpkin and some boiled peas.  Strawberries and ice cream for dessert.  By 8:30 I was starting to really fade and by 9:00 we were heading home.

Then I did the wrong thing: I plonked onto the couch and couldn't get up to go to bed until just after 10.  I was SO tired... you know when you're too tired to even reach for the remote?  You know you should go to bed, but you just can't get enough strength together to stand up?  yeah...

So this morning I didn't get up when my alarm went off.  In fact, I was barely awake at 8:00am! I am feeling so tired and lethargic.  I have been moving so slowly this morning, I am really paying for my big weekend.  It's like an exercise hangover!! :)

I did do 16 minutes of paddling this morning, and am building up to about 120 minutes (yep, two hours!) so I really hope to get myself to water a few times to really get a feel for it, and also so I'm not just sitting in the lounge room paddling the air going nowhere.

I teach Balance tonight, so that will take the sting out of my legs and will really enjoy having a rest day today, and have a big day planned for tomorrow.

Tuesday, I work 8:30-3:30, so will run at 3:30 for about 1 hour or approx 10-12km (and might do my loop outside if the weather is nice), then play with TK for about 30 minutes (5:00-5:30pm), then make some dinner and relax then 50 minutes on the rowing machine from about 7:00 onwards, as there is nothing on TV on Tuesday nights.

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