I love Sunday. By the time Sunday rolls around I'm feeling wound down and domestic. I'm ready to potter all day. I'm pretty sure if left to my devices, I could accomplish anything on a Sunday, given enough time.
So this Sunday I painted my front hall. Oh it is marvellous now! Only first coat on, and will probably require three coats to get all that blue covered up. But the front hall glows with welcome now! It's no longer a deep cavernous hole!
At 3:45 Helen called and asked if I was riding at 4pm, so I quickly piled into my bike clothes and headed out for another cruise down Police Pools Road. This time we had Graeme and Rachel joining us. We were taking it pretty easily, as Rachel is a new rider, but Helen needed to get a few more miles banked up for the Tour, so she and I shot ahead. We were concerned about losing daylight (sunset at 5:15), so needed to put the pedal to the metal! We were going a pretty steady 27 most of the way out, and I was working hard to stick to her wheel for the length of the ride. I was pretty pleased when, on the the return trip, I was able to stick to a 25ish average still! Day two back on the bike and it felt great!
I must say, I am so lucky to have Helen and Carl as friends. They are so active, supportive, and just generally great people. They keep me motivated and help to push me where I wouldn't push myself.
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