Sunday, May 2, 2010

Inside, Outside, Upside Down

I have discovered I am an outside runner.

I was going to hire a treadmill for the winter, to make sure I got a run in when it is cold and dark and wet this winter. But after today's effort on the treadmill, I realise that I am probably better off battling it out with the weather.

I was aiming at a 10km run today, and only managed to run 7km in 47 minutes on the threadmill. Well under the average speed I can do outside, I just could not run fast, it was so hard! And it was BORING, Oh MY GAWD!! And I can't watch tv while running, the bouncing just doesn't do it for me! So just my thoughts and the damn display to keep my busy, showing me that my distance is going up in such small increments, and time is standing still... gotta stop looking at the display!!

So I guess, as the weather gets colder and wetter, and the days get shorter, I will really have to be dedicated to my outside runs. If the reality of the weather saps all motivation from me, then maybe we'll consider the treadmill just to keep the legs turning over and the fitness up, but I hope I can just get out there and tough it out!

Do you prefer the treadmill or outside runs?

And sadly, I still haven't broken the 10km mark! Need to bust that 10k barrier this week! But the good news is that I ran a total of 25km this week, my biggest total so far!!

Oh, and my bike is repaired, so no excuse for not riding now. Damn! :) Better get my three rides in this week, so that I can be ready for the weekend.

The Brigadier's Challenge is this coming weekend - on Mother's Day (weird). It's a 16km run and 96km cycle, but I am going to do only 10 or 11km run and cycle just 40ish km of it.

Should be fun!


  1. Oh, I so prefer the treadmill. I don't run outside at all. Too boring.

    On the treadmill, I can come close to my true love, which is fitness to music. I make a playlist of songs in increasing order of bpm, and then I run in rhythm with the music. That way I can set a time and intensity goal ahead of time, and I don't quit till I get through my playlist.

    I still haven't ran through the whole of Rock Lobster without a rest. :-)


  2. Yeah, I thought music would do it for me too. My selection just might not have been good enough to keep me moving. The unusual thing is that a similar play list on the road allows me to stretch and change and play with my stride and pace. Maybe it's just a comfort thing?

    Any chance you could send me a copy of that playlist of yours? :)

  3. Ya, I'll send it to you sometime. (Give me a few days.)
    It's actually a big long list, and each time I pick one song at 128bmp to warm up, then a few at 132, etc etc... (So I actually have like 15 playlists.) I'll send you the master list. I just have to figure out how to get it out of iTunes into a list. :-)
