Friday, July 30, 2010

My First Fun Run - coming this weekend

I'll be off in Bunbury for the weekend, to participate in my first Women's Fun Run!  There's a 5km walk, 5km run or a 10km run, and I am going to do the 10km run!  It will not be without its perils!  My run on Wednesday resulted in knee pain just before I hit 7km, and I haven't had a run since.  However, I can walk/jog the last few kilometres if need be, because as much as I'd like to be across the line at the front of the pack, that's just plain silly for a first ever effort.

Oh well, one can dream!

Will update you on Monday after we get back!

... And Another Thing!

I posted yesterday about arranging my gear needs, and the very moment that I logged off I realised I neded to add something.

People!  I need people! :)

Supporters, cheer leaders, and most imporantly (and even more selfishly) people who will carry stuff around for me!

Since the race starts in Boyup Brook, and travels 57.5km via road, track and water, and finishes in another town, Bridgetown, I need people who will take my kayak to the start of the kayak leg, and then take it to ... wherever things go after they're not needed anymore!

I'll need someone to drive the horse to the start of the ride, vet him through, and hold him as I come out of the swim, then pack up all my gear and move to it to the end of the horse leg, where my bike gear will need to be waiting for me.  And I'll need someone who is willing to carry both me and my bike across the finish line.

:)  Fun!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gearing Up!

So, after my little freak out, I sorted out my brain (more or less... probably less... ;)) and did some exercise anyway!

I started by paddling for 18 minutes.  That was the equivalent of about 1.5km. What I find interesting about this is that my whole body vibrates as I paddle.  I sit my bottom on a low stool and prop my heels up on a low chair or open drawer, so I am in the approximate body position, but elevated enough I won't bang the paddle on the floor. In the paddling position, with my knees slightly bent, heels on the same level as my butt, sitting very tall, I can feel my thighs, abs and back vibrate as they stabilise against the swinging of the paddle.  It doesn't feel like that when I put my feet down, and I don't recall ever feeling this way when I paddle in a kayak or surf ski, so I am guessing it's just because I am unsupported from hips to heels.  It doesn't feel bad, just kinda weird.

After my paddle I was feeling a lot better about everything, so I went for a run. I was scheduled to do 6km, but as I have a 10km race on Sunday, I thought I should probably aim for 10, but only got through to 7, then my knee said "nope".  But on the up-side, it was a personal best 7km run!  A good three minutes faster than my last 7km!  So will have another run on Friday, hopefully 8+ and then on Saturday, a brisk 5km, so that I am ready to go through the 10km on Sunday.

Following my run, I came in and did an hour of spinning.  Damn the good music I had going, because I was spinning like a maniac, and the last four minutes were absolute killer!  I got off and was shaking so bad I could barely keep my balance to stretch out!  And there it was, two hours of exercise pumped out after I chucked a sad and thought "I just can't!"

Well, yes, I can!!

So, anyway, I have been thinking (you have a lot of time to think when you spin, run, anything for long periods of time) about my gear situation.  So here's what I think I'll need to organise and prepare to do the day right, and maybe a few questions along the way:

The event starts with a run.
Considering the condition of my shoes, I am going to need a new pair of shoes, and probably sooner rather than later!  My big toe is starting to poke out of the top of the left one!
As for clothing options, I'm not too worried about what I wear when I run, I have plenty of comfy workout clothes that I run in and will have something to suit most weather conditions.  However, I have been playing with the idea of getting a tri-suit or long skins bottoms to wear for the whole day.  If I have a base layer of long skivvies and a tri-top (just a crop exercise top suitable for swimming) then I can wear that all day and will only have to add a few items, like a longer sleeved shirt against sun, or wind or so on... then again, that's 8 hours in the same clothes and sweating like a pig for at least 5 and a half of them!  Piew!

The run leads directly to the river and you have to go down this steep and slippery bank to get into the water.  There is one obligatory portage, and more if it's a dry year (and so far it's been a dryer than usual winter in this catchment area) so there is the potential for more carry points.
So I need two things: a kayak or equivalent that is light enough for me to carry, or rugged enough for me to drag without getting damaged. I also definitely want shoes on for this leg, because you have no idea what's in the water. So my debate is whether I should take the time to change out of my runners and into some water shoes (I have a pair, but they are so worn from Aqua classes that I'll need a new pair), or if I just save the transition time and hop right in in my runners.
Downfall of the runners is that they will be wet and soggy by the end.  But if it's a hot day there will be time to dry them at the lunch break.
I will also want a small ration pack and an electrolyte drink on the kayak, and I will take a short break to refuel.

Lunch Break:
The lunch break will be 30-60 minutes, depending on how slow I am... chances are good it'll be 30 minutes, as there is a mass start 30 minutes after the last iron person finishes the canoe.  That'll likely be me :)
I will need to take this time to eat something really recharging.  Rice and veggies, which is something I can exercise on, and will be very nourishing, will probably be on the menu. I'll need to consider this carefully because I'll need to eat well, but not feel too gross to get in and swim a very hard 1km open water swim!
I will also need to find the toilets, because this will be my last chance until the end of the race, and that's probably 2-1/2 to 3 hours away.

So, if I'm in a tri-suit or skins I can just swim as I am.  Though the water could be cold, and a wetsuit, even a shorty could be very handy to just keep the core temp in check.  Goggles will be critical, and a swim cap would probably be good too.  I do have a shorty and the goggles and cap already.  The swim ends with a run up a muddy slippery bank, done barefoot, and then you sit for the transition to the horse leg.

If I'm in long tights the whole time, I won't have to try to dry off enough to pull on long pants for the ride, as I have seen some iron people do. I'd just have to dry my feet, put on socks and shoes, and I'm thinking I could go back to my runners if I get enduro cages on my stirrups.  Then pull on the bib, put on the helmet and mount up. I have a synthetic saddle, so my wet seat won't be an issue.  I'd like to have more food and water available on the saddle, and will need saddle bags that suit, so these will be a priority to purchase and test in the next little while. I'd like to also have a small first aid kit on hand, and a hoof pick, just in case something unexpected comes up.
This leg will be my best opportunity to be sure I have legs left for the bike ride.
Most importantly, though, with the horse leg, is my strapper.  I need one, possibly two people, that can tend to TK when I am doing all the other legs, who can saddle him, feed him, prep him, cool him, pulse him down, and tend to his needs while I am not around. Mat is an obvious choice, as he knows TK and the familiar will help with his pulsing down and vetting through cleanly. My cousin, Nell, has also offered to help with this, which is great, because then they can trade off and the horse gets constant attention. We will need to bring lots of water, sponges, feed, cooling blankets, a stethoscope, and possibly ice bags for the legs (though I don't anticipate riding him that hard).  The strapper will also be responsible for moving the horse float from one location to the other, and then taking TK back to his paddock to rest once through the vetting stage, so they'll have to be able to load him as well.

I, on the other hand, will simply run across the horsey finish line, hand my boy over and hop onto a bike, and won't know if we vetted through until I cross the finish line in an hour and a bit's time!
For the bike leg, if I am already wearing my runners, I will be able to just change helmets and hop onto the bike and go for it.  I don't use toe clips, I use half-clips (like a cage), so I won't need to change shoes again.
My bike is well and truly due for a complete service, but once that's done I should be ready to rock and roll.
More water on the bike, and probably an electrolyte drink and a carbo shot would be good to have on the racks.  I need to reinstall my drink holder, and want to install a second one too.

I will really really want a toilet, and to sit down.
I think I will want hugs from everyone who is willing to hug a sweaty Iron Woman!!
I will have to remind myself to stretch or I will seize up!
Then I will want food. I'm thinking burger with the works, or similar.
Then I think there will be some definite sleep required! :)

I plan to book a massage for Monday late morning, and would like to take Monday off work.  I think I'll also schedule a follow-up massage on the Wednesday.

I will probably be hurting for awhile, and will need lots of refuelling to keep myself sane and healthy!

And there it is, the start of the formulation of a plan! :)

And a bit of shopping to do...

But for now, off to Body Attack! Not going to miss it this week! :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm Scared!

There's not long to go now.

13.5 weeks.
94 days.

And so much to do.  The numbers are getting bigger, the times longer, the challenge greater...

And I'm scared!  I'm starting to become overwhelmed by it all.  In a paralysing kinda way. 

The sheer magnitude of what I am undertaking is now staring me right down the barrels.  I can see VERY clearly the end goal. I can genuinely feel how much work this is going to be. And doubt is not just creeping in, but really snaking in, and wrapping itself around my chest, and squeezing.

Right now, when I think of the end goal, I can't see past the work in the way of accomplishing it, and although I know in a logical way that if I stick to my plan, and work the numbers and focus on my diet as I have been, that I can and will succeed at crossing the finish line.  The problem is that the heart doesn't give a damn about logic! 

I am at an impasse. I'm not sure how to unravel the fear and keep pushing forward. I mean, I am sure I will figure it out, but wow, what a terrible thing to be caught in these invisible clutches and unsure how to get out.

I suppose little-by-little, day-by-day, is really the answer.  Just making myself get out there and do it. One little hurdle at a time should build my confidence in my ability to complete the biggest hurdle of them all.  And knowing that I really only have to do 'the day' one event at a time. 

What would I tell a client in this situation?
  • Consistency is the key success.
  • Work in small steps to reach big goals.
  • Focus on the desired outcome (the exhilaration of completing!)
  • Work your plan.
  • Modify when you need to.
  • Rest and Reward yourself for your hard work.
  • And be nice to yourself: try to turn every negative thought into a positive thought!
So, here I go!  

What's that old adage?  Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's about feeling fear and doing it anyway.

Or, in the words of Nelson Mandela:
“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
Wish me luck, and all kinds of other good things! :) 

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Rest of Sunday

I did end up napping Sunday afternoon.  I really needed a nap!  Only had a half-hour lay-down, but it sure helped!

I did lots of housework, at least 5 loads of laundry (where does it all come from!?), and scrubbed my much neglected bathroom.

And I did TKs lessons, and he was so good!  He really absorbed Chris' lessons and responded well, and didn't challenge me like he had done during our lesson.  Now to just keep it up!

I also spoke to Lauren, who was still in Perth and is going to pick up a crop for me.  She'll be back on Monday evening.  I did speak to her about riding TK, but it doesn't sound like she's going to have time to help with TK, so I might just start putting it out there to other riders and see if there's anyone looking for a horse to ride.  The unfortunate truth about horses, though, is that there are far more horses looking for riders than riders looking for horses.

We went to T&Es for dinner and it was really lovely, though both Mat and I were exhausted from our days' work, and probably really poor company. Mat worked all weekend - again - and came home and had a nap also before we headed out.  We had a nice meal, very basic, and sometimes that's the best! Beef, gravy and beans with mashed potato and pumpkin and some boiled peas.  Strawberries and ice cream for dessert.  By 8:30 I was starting to really fade and by 9:00 we were heading home.

Then I did the wrong thing: I plonked onto the couch and couldn't get up to go to bed until just after 10.  I was SO tired... you know when you're too tired to even reach for the remote?  You know you should go to bed, but you just can't get enough strength together to stand up?  yeah...

So this morning I didn't get up when my alarm went off.  In fact, I was barely awake at 8:00am! I am feeling so tired and lethargic.  I have been moving so slowly this morning, I am really paying for my big weekend.  It's like an exercise hangover!! :)

I did do 16 minutes of paddling this morning, and am building up to about 120 minutes (yep, two hours!) so I really hope to get myself to water a few times to really get a feel for it, and also so I'm not just sitting in the lounge room paddling the air going nowhere.

I teach Balance tonight, so that will take the sting out of my legs and will really enjoy having a rest day today, and have a big day planned for tomorrow.

Tuesday, I work 8:30-3:30, so will run at 3:30 for about 1 hour or approx 10-12km (and might do my loop outside if the weather is nice), then play with TK for about 30 minutes (5:00-5:30pm), then make some dinner and relax then 50 minutes on the rowing machine from about 7:00 onwards, as there is nothing on TV on Tuesday nights.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekend Warrior

I am a weekend warrior!  This weekend has been very full, and it's not even lunchtime on Sunday yet!  But I am taking a short break to share... It's as good of a time as any to stop and have a cuppa! :)

After work, I had a riding lesson with Chris, who just got back from a 15 day horse back riding adventure across the outback.  It sounded marvellous!  I would like to do something like that one day!

So anyway, as you know, TK has been spelling for two weeks on doctor's orders (and a little longer than that on my laziness and poor scheduling), and has been feeling very frisky.  So I wanted to start at ground zero with him, and make sure he's really got his basics mastered.

My first endurance ride is in 30ish days and I have two basic objectives for training prior to the ride:

  1. Complete control of the speed of travel
  2. Management of behaviour when facing a challenging situation (I would not presuppose to ever have complete control of this!)
With these two ideas in mind, we started with some English basics.  First lunging him with contact to teach him to lower his head and soften into the bit, rather than fight it, and to gain impulsion through the hind end.  This helps build 'topline' or translated into human fitness, it means 'good alignment or posture'. 

For all his friskiness in the paddock, in the round yard TK is quite lazy!

At the end of the lunging session I got on and started to work on managing my hand position and encouraging a forward walk and trot - thereby controlling his speed - and discovered that it was way harder than it sounded.
My legs run out of kick long before TK runs out of lazy.
So, although I have not had to use one on any horse I've owned before, I have agreed that I will carry a crop with him.  Not for a beating or anything like that, but for a smack on the shoulder to remind him that he is to do what I ask, and thereby not exhausting myself.

He will get a few days of 30 minute sessions of lunging and short rides, and then we'll start heading out again to build long slow distances.

I am hoping that Lauren will be willing to ride him two days a week.  Or more to the point, I am hoping I can afford to pay her to ride him two days a week! She just got back from two weeks away, so will give her the weekend and bring it up with her on Monday.  I hope to ride him another two days a week: Friday lessons and a Saturday or Sunday distance ride.

I had to work Saturday morning, and it was quite a nice day of work.  A bit quieter than I usually like, because then you're looking for things to do, but not too bad most of the time.

After work I stopped by Helen & Carl's for a cuppa and to pick up the tent I bought off them, and then headed back to work, where I went for a run on the treadmill.

I put on a heart rate monitor strap and I set the hill program for 95 minutes (the longest program it has) and for level 5 and started to go at it!  I was running a bit slower than I normally do, but then again, I was running at an average grade of 2.8%, and each timeblock was 5 minutes, so when it got up to 5% grade, I was there uphill for 5 minutes!  And the program won't let you adjust your incline, only your speed.  So, I was working between 8 and 9km/hr depending on my incline, and after about 45 minutes I decided to slow down to a walk, and you would not believe what happened!!
I bumped the emergency stop button!!
There's nothing you can do to recover your data, time, speed, distance, nothing, when you hit that button.  It's GONE. And so I stood there swearing at the machine while I tried to reset it, tried to remember how far I had gone and how long... the last time I looked at the display I had gone about 6.7km and had about 42 minutes to go... so frustrating!  Anyway, I fired it back up and went for only another 30 minutes and got to about 10km and hopped off.

The neat thing about having the heart rate strap on was noticing how long I could work on the top end of my cardio zone, I was quite comfortable there in the mid 160s (~85%) for long stretches, 15-20 minutes easily, before I started to creep into the lower levels of my max zone (~90% or 166-170bpm).  Even in my max zone, 5 minutes wasn't impossible before having to back down a little.  I was planning on bringing the heart rate strap and watch with me on the bike ride, but just plumb forgot!

After my run I stopped for a brief visit to T&E who were away for a month, are back for the weekend and away again on Monday for an unknown time.  Got home, showered, made dinner, baked banana bread, made three loaves of bread and still got to bed by 9:30 because I was tired and because I wanted to be well rested for the big ride on Sunday.

It's always surprising to be up in the dark.  It's an odd feeling, like you're one of the few people alive, when you are awake at 5:30am. Anyway, I got myself decked out for the cold ride ahead, and headed off to meet everyone at TDG for 6:30am start.  I got there and decided right then that I had chosen the wrong gloves.  I had travelled 2km and my fingers were frozen.  I zipped home and got big happy thinsulate gloves and met everyone without delaying the ride too much.

It got really light by 7am, and it wasn't as cold as it has been. It was a bright clear morning, and really quite pleasant. It's a bit hard to know if you've dressed right sometimes, but I was mostly comfortable for the ride most of the time, and grateful for the extra layers, especially when we headed downhill into the low wet valleys - man it was COLD down there!  My hands did get sweaty a few times, but I was grateful for those gloves.  Especially when considering how cold my feet were, and they were in big fuzzy socks!  I'm glad just my feet were suffering!

There were lots of hard climbs, and I wasn't going very fast, but I had told Carl prior to the ride I was expecting to do a 20km/hr average.  He didn't believe me at first, and expected that I could work at around 25, but indeed, there I was, working to my maximum, at quite a slow pace. It took me 1 hour 55 minutes and change to do the 42km trek, and I had an average of 21.4, which I was quite happy with. I was only about 5-10 minutes behind the pack, I was really expecting to be much slower!  Yay me! Doing better than I hoped!

Mat came and picked me up, because all the rest were crazy enough to ride back home!  I was done. No, I wasn't done done, but I would have been MUCH slower to make it back home, especially with the wind picking up.  By the time I neared Katanning again, I would have been completely destroyed.

Upon returning home I showered, started to make breakfast, and was interrupted with a wood delivery, so started stacking wood, then remembered I had a pan on the stove, and came in to a house full of smoke!  Oh man! luckily, no real harm done, just a very charred bottom of my frying pan!  Lots of laundry, dishes, sweeping and mopping to do, and a fire to start.

But my next big priority will be to dress TK and take him for a spin in the round yard and practice our lessons.

Well, maybe a nap should come first?! :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Quick Stats

Just looked at my totals in my training log and was quite pleased with the results.

From December 1st 09 to 30th May 10 I recorded my swim, bike, and runs.  My totals were:
  • Swim: 7km
  • Bike: 517.05km
  • Run: 234.84km
I did record all my other sessions, but they weren't itemised in the same way as I have done for the second half of my training.
Total training sessions for this period: 186 
Added note: this was during a period of 182 days, so just a fraction over one session a day.

From 31st May 10 to 23 July 10, my distances were:
  • Swim: 0 (no pool, afterall)
  • Bike: 269.46km
  • Run: 72.4km (hmm, I think I need to pick this back up. It's looking kinda slack!)
  • Horse: 39km
  • Row: 8.53km
Total training sessions in this period: 122
Added note: this is during a period of only 56 days, so my rate is up to 2.2 sessions per day
Only 99 days to go!
So a lot of work has been done, but there's plenty to do!  My training session rate is up, but I want to do a lot more running and horsing around.

The suggestion has been made that I should try to get someone to ride TK since I don't seem to have the time.  It's a good suggestion and I am going to bring it up with a friend.  Wish me luck with that!

The sunshine is increasing, and my energy is generally on the upswing, so I am looking forward to increasing my duration and intensity!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Challenging Day

It's about 6:40ish pm as I start this, and I'm tired.  I think I've done well all day.  I suppose it wasn't all that bad... but still ...

I'm a bit doughy in the morning, but I got up on time, despite how cold it was, and started to work through my plan.

My plan was interrupted in two ways:
  1. No hot water - frozen water pipes. :( No shower!
  2. My cat peed bloody urine in one of the kitchen cupboards!  And not swearing 'bloody' but urine with blood in it!  That is bad and definitely requires attention.
This meant that I didn't have a shower, and also that I ended up not paddling for 10 minutes, because I was cleaning up cat pee and trying to defrost pipes with the water in the kettle.  No luck with the pipes, should have just paddled.

Change of plan:
  1. Call vet to get an appointment as soon as possible.
  2. Shower at work after I teach Balance (yes, this works just fine!)
I am done work at 3:30, and got the appointment for 4:15pm for cat and dog (who needs vaccinations), which I figure means I can still get about a 5km run in (3:30-4:00pm), get the animals to the vet, come home, eat a bite, feed T&E's cats and dogs and fish on the way to class, go to Attack.

My plan was interrupted in a few ways:
  1. I got done work at 3:30, but really didn't take into consideration how long I needed to get changed, warmed up, cooled down and redressed in civilised clothing.  Run = 3.5km, not 5km, and certainly not the 7 as booked in my training schedule.
  2. Appointment took a lot longer than I thought. I took the dog in for his vaccinations and it turns out he has a heart murmur.  The cat has a bladder infection (or a stone, but we're going to hope it's an infection first), and possibly hyper-thyroidism. Oh great!
  3. Get home from appointment after 5pm, feed and dress the horses, and decide to do T&Es animals and then return home to change (bad idea).  Everyone got fed, came home, can't find the house key. Not in my pockets, not in my car, not under the seat, not on the ground, not anywhere. Return to T&Es and search for key. Nothing.  Return home and search for key again. Nothing. Buggery!  Find spare key, get inside. Search for something to eat... last two pieces of bread. Out of peanut butter. Blah.
  4. Cat pees on the floor in the kitchen!! What the hell!!?!??! Clean up cat pee for the SECOND TIME today!! Grr!!
  5. Growl in frustration, sit down, turn on the computer, forget completely about getting changed and heading to Attack, consider making a cup of tea... Look at the time... oh shit!! It's 6:30!  I've missed Attack by a million years! (It starts at 6). So I paddle instead, but that's only 10 minutes...
I should have just changed and gone over.  I should have realised I only had just enough time as it was, let alone if something went wrong. But you don't think of these things, do you?  And I was totally distressed by losing my key. I keep my house key on a separate ring so I can carry it when I leave for a bike ride or run and not need my car keys or work keys.  I suppose the good thing is that I haven't lost all my keys.  Of course, if it had been on the key ring with everything else, I wouldn't have lost it... but I digress...

Anyway, I did paddle for 10 minutes, so I've done that, but I feel just terrible for missing class! I was really looking forward to it all week!  But just a few minutes of disruption to the plan got me completely off course.  I should get myself a workout DVD to do at home in cases like this.  Or maybe I should cycle for awhile to make up for it?

Well, now that I've blah'ed all that out, I think I'll make some bread, maybe watch some TV, and hope Kirsty forgives me for missing class.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Two Hours Continuous?

Was I was biting off more than I can chew!?

Two hours of continuous exercise five days a week is a bit of an elusive goal, it seems.  Okay, I've only been working towards that for a few days, but so far, I've only managed that one day of cycling on the trainer.

Better to be positive!  I can and I will do this, I am capable, I just need to work harder to achieve it!

On the positive notes, I have done three days of very intensive gardening, for no less than 3 hours each day, and that sure felt like exercise to me.  This was no 'pottering amongst the petals' but weeding, digging, mulching!  Lots of wheelbarrow and shovel usage!  And I was quite sore after each bout of gardening, but highly satisfied with the results. So though I won't count it towards my training, I will call it low intensity long duration endurance activity! :)

Last night I obtained a paddle, so I paddled for 5 minutes, and really felt it in my shoulders.  That will take some development, so I am glad I have the paddle now and am not just going to jump in unprepared at the race.

I went for a bike ride today with Helen, Sue and Steve.  It was 3 degrees at 9am, and upon our return it was only 9 degrees.  It was cold, but a bright and sunshiney day with not too much wind.  We did the Police Pools Road, which is about 25km return, and I struggled to maintain a 27km/hr average with the group.  They frequently had to drop back, pick me up, and I'd keep up for awhile, then fall back.  I felt laboured in my breathing and just generally 'not strong'.  Every day is different, so I suppose that's what happens.

We are planning to ride to Kojonup - 45km with good hills and usually a strong head wind - on Sunday, leaving at 6am, and hopefully arriving at 8:30am, and enjoying breakfast at the Road House. Most of the group will also be riding back after breakfast, but, although I was saying to Steve at the start of the ride this morning, "that 60km ride really boosted my confidence", I am now doubting my ability to stick with the pack for the ride out, let alone the trip back.  I guess we'll see.  If worse comes to worse, I can call Mat and he can come pick me up, right? If less than worse comes, I'll just take longer and do it at my own speed.

I was going to follow my bike ride this morning with a run for up to 1 hour (aiming for that two hour goal), but I wasn't feeling that great so I just did the 1.8km loop at the race track and followed that with 7 minutes of paddling.

Positive thoughts for today:
- I went for the ride, I did what I promised myself I'd do!
- I listened to my body and worked with the energy I had!
- I am developing great shoulders and improved upper body strength by paddling!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

There is so much good in the world!

Just a short note, a link and a few unfinished thoughts...

Operation Beautiful.  What a good idea!  There's been a lot of discussion on negative self-talk in many of the blogs I follow.  It's a killer of self-esteem, power and the ability to succeed.

The general message: misery loves company, and misery gets stronger if left to roll along unchecked!

We are all bombarded by enough negativity, and most of it comes from within us!  We do this to ourselves!

Operation Beautiful, and many other great sites talk about the power of positive self-talk, about being your own champion, and singing your own praises!
It's time to talk to yourself they way you'd talk to your best friend, with praise and love and excitement and encouragment.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Body Clock - Another Neat Link

I don't know if you can download the show from the website, but this was a really interesting program about your body clock, and generally about the 24 hour cycle of body rhythms.  When we're best at things, and worst at things.

Interestingly enough, one of the points made was about how important light is in encouraging us to be 'morning people' or 'night owls' and that wearing sunglasses in the morning can start to adjust your clock to a later time (if you happen to get out of bed way too early) and that wearing sunglasses in the afternoon can encourage you to go to bed earlier, and therefore rise earlier.

I was wondering then, what happens when your glasses are auto-tinting and always tint whenever exposed to sunlight, as mine do? Are my glasses in fact encouraging my body clock to always be on the lookout for a nap?  Have my morning wakeup problems actually be exacerbated by the fact that I spent a ridiculous amount of money on a pair of glasses that are meant to protect my eyes from harmful UV rays?

An interesting conundrum, yes?


Friday's Cycle-athon!

Well, I'm no Tour de France cyclist, but I did pedal my butt off for TWO WHOLE HOURS on Friday night! I was on the mag trainer, so was able to sit up and stretch my neck regularly, which means I haven't gotten any neck pain this morning!

I was hoping to watch a movie while I rode, but Mat really wanted to watch the Footy game, so I tried my darndest to go for the whole thing, but ended up pulling up with 30 seconds to go in the third quarter. There wasn't anything left in me to finish those last 30 seconds, and there definitely was not another half an hour or more to make it to the end of the game!

A 100 minute football game (4x25minute quarters), when all is said and done, takes three hours including breaks, commercials, stop time, and all the pointless blathering that goes on before the game actually gets under way!

I did take two short breaks, which I did not count towards my time total.  I only counted the time my legs were actually spinning over. I took one 5 minute break after an hour, when I added some padding to my handlebars. Big relief! The second was a 5 minute stretch break after the next thirty minutes, my butt and hamstrings and 4th toe on my right foot were cramping up!  Even bigger relief! That was into the half-time show, and I hopped back on for the next quarter, and tried really hard to ride to the siren, but damned if I could do any more.

122 minutes of cycling, working at about 80rpm most of the time (so just a steady going pace on medium gearing), with a total of 10 minutes break.  I started just before 8:30, and finished just after 10:30pm. I get to count 50km for that effort!

There are two reasons why I did such a big ride.  One is because I didn't do any riding this week and wanted to get my distance up and the other is because I have a new goal:
My newly formed goal is to do two hours of continuous exercise five days a week.  
In about four weeks time I'd like to increase one day per week to 3 hours, and then in another four weeks time take that one day up to 4 hours.  It wouldn't have to be a single 'event', I could run for 1 hour, cycle for 1 hour, or row and swim, or whatever.  This is all in a bid to improve my stamina over the long haul, because I won't be able to stop for a nanna nap when it comes time to do the Blackwood!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Interesting Site

I haven't had a chance to completely peruse this site yet, but it looks very interesting.

It's Michael Pollan's site, the guy who wrote In Defence of Food and seems to be full of great resources.

I think I'll be browsing here quite a lot, and can't wait to read his book!

The Last Few Days

I didn't work out Tuesday night due to my neck complaint.

Wednesday morning no run or anything for the same reason, but did do Balance Wednesday night!  Had 7 people in the end, when I was all but convinced we'd have no one.  Only 2 people showed up for Pump, so what chance did Balance have?!  My neck only gave me a little yelp a couple of times... funny how many little niggles and complaints I am developing.

Today, Thursday, my neck feels much better.  I have almost complete range of motion without pain, just a bit tight on the left and when dropping my head completely forward, but it isn't restricting me at all, so I went to Attack!  And then there was no Attack! Blah! School holidays suck!  It's like the entire world stops functioning normally!

Anyway, since she had no students to teach Attack to, Kirsty and I did a few Pump tracks in the gym instead. Biceps and Triceps were really good.  I should probably put more weight on Backs, Butts & Hamstrings, but just worry about my back in the deadlifts (my form is terrible), though I have no problem in the clean and presses, and I could row 5's for ages and ages. Should have gone heavier in Squats, since we didn't do Lunges. But I got a workout in, which is good, because I've had a few days off, and it's always nice to feel physical again.  Reading a book and relaxing is great, and I've no regrets at all, but exercise makes me feel really alive!

I've been eating well all this week and last, too, and although I've stopped writing in my food diary (that lasted about 4 or 5 days and now is completely off the radar again), I am still making sure I get two fruit and that we have at least one meal completely chock full of veggies, but preferably two. I've baked home made bread two times this week (since I wasn't running anywhere), and we had really nice salad sandwiches for lunch yesterday. Today was probably my worst day nutrition-wise (I've eaten a lot of peanut butter sandwiches), though I did get 2 serves of fruit and 2 of dairy, but no veggies yet to speak of... so bring on the stir-fry for tonight's dinner! Mat and I did indulge in a family block of chocolate between us on Thursday night last week as we enjoyed a night in, but I haven't had any microwavable convenience food at all in two weeks! :) YAY ME!  I feel so much better!

I am hoping that by being conscious of my diet and exercise, and by recording it here, I am holding myself accountable to whomever is taking the time out of their day to read about my challenges.  So thanks for reading and keeping me honest!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sore Neck, Books, and other musings

I hurt my neck.  :(

I think I strained it while riding my bike. By sticking my chin out in a hyper-extended position for the duration of a bike ride, I think the muscles become fatigued in some way, and then every time I move my head in the wrong way during daily activities, it hurts.

Now, it's hurt like this before.  I tipped my head back in the shower to rinse out the shampoo one day a few weeks back and thought I was wringing my own neck.  Then had to be careful of how hard I brushed my hair, even!  Any backwards motion of my head, or pressure that I had to strain against, made me think that my scull was trying to shear off the top of my spinal column and my head was going to fall off!

But generally, this discomfort didn't last.  It went away in a few hours and was all but forgotten, only to return many days later, generally when I hop in the shower and casually tip my head back.  This morning, however, I must have been a little more careless or a little more rough or something!  Because it's 6pm and it still hurts. And badly! Any quick movement, like flicking hair out of my eyes, or turning to look at something, causes a shot of pain. As long as I am aligned and looking forward, or moving my head slowly and carefully, it's alright, but it hasn't gotten better at all today.

Today's workout was meant to be 40 minutes on the rowing machine and 30-60 minutes on the bike and I am going to have to forgo each of these activities tonight, because neither feels comfortable.  I did manage to walk for a short while on the treadmill and do some stretching today, but that's all my body wanted to put up with.

I guess that means today is a rest day.  In preparation for this eventuality, I have prepared a collection of Better Homes and Gardens magazines, and a (hopefully) light and fluffy book called Gaits of Heaven by Susan Conant.  I have never heard of her, or the Dog Lover's Mystery series, but I judge all books by their covers and this one had a silly painted dog on the cover that made me think this book isn't about to take itself too seriously. 

I do have more serious books on order, but they haven't arrived at the library yet.  I am hoping to get ahold of
In Defence of Food
 and Authentic Happiness for a little brain stimulation.  There are so many good books out there, it is hard to know where to begin or how to find the time to read them all!

Just while letting it all out there, I was also thinking about my horse today. And I realised I really miss my horse! And he's right in my back yard! So much of my day is taken up with so many other things, and once the Blackwood is over I want to fully commit to enjoying time with TK. I'd like to see if I can get a few other girls interested in doing Drill Team with their horses for some fun over summer. Equestrian sports tend to be done during the cooler months, so this would be a fun way to keep our horses tuned up and socialising during the summer without the pressure of competition.

Well, I think it's time for some TV and light reading!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Keeping Warm - 10km Run

Oh, the weather has been so disagreeable since Saturday! Well, since before Saturday, actually, but at least we had that one day of respite. At about 2 or 3am last night I woke up thinking the roof was going to get ripped off.  Luckily, it didn't, but it was blowing a gale and pouring with rain, and it didn't let up at all. And it's been COLD.  It's like the whole town has become a giant evaporative air conditioner, with the wind blowing over all that standing water.

The point?  I still exercised, when hibernating seemed like the wiser option.  And as always, I am so glad I did!

I decided to run on the treadmill for an hour.  5km and 30 minutes just felt like I was going too easy on myself too often. The Bunbury Fun Run isn't far away, and I'd like to do the 10km run in an hour.  And after the recovery I required following a two hour ride, I realised I was going to need to increase my stamina by a lot to complete the Blackwood and still be able to walk and talk through to the end of it.

So, I ran a total of 10km in 62:48, and that included a very long warm up (because it was coooolllddd! brr! and I needed the extra time to loosen up properly).  I ran a pretty good 5km/30minutes and then took a short walk break and then really stepped on the gas.  Even after 45 minutes, I ran at 12km/hr, and then up to 12.6km/hr for a whole minute, the fastest I have ever run (Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue did it for me!!) and ran at 11km/hr most of the time.

Woohoo!  Wicked awesome and excellent!

And it was so good that I got that workout in, because even though I taught Pump Circuit, I had three new people, so was teaching, not Pumping, and then we didn't get enough people to run a Balance class. Sad, but totally understandable.  It's hard to leave a warm house on a day, let alone a night, like this, and many people are sick.

The new best thing about exercise: It keeps you warm!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sixty Kilometre Bike Ride

Wow, I'm tired!

As mentioned, I was talked into riding to Nyabing today.  I was a little intimidated.  Until now the furthest I've ridden is 45km.  And that's a fair haul on a bike, really.  As always, my biggest fear is that I am not going to make it or I am really going to slow everyone down.

We went out strong and I was delighted to have stuck with the pack - Helen, Carl, Amanda and Ian - at 35ish km/hr for the first 20km.  But then I ran out of puff and started to fall back.  Helen was great, and pulled the group up a little to keep me with them, and I did manage to stick with them at a decent pace through to the half-way mark.  We all stopped for a bite, a drink and a relief for 5 or so minutes and then carried on.

Carl stayed back with me (because he'd already done 120km earlier this morning!) and Amanda, Helen and Ian went out ahead.  I was sitting on a fairly steady 27-28km/hr, which was quite good and kept the other three in sight the whole time.  In fact, as we neared our destination, we actually gained on them and managed to keep up, so the five of us all rode into town together, which was really nice! We came in at just over 2 hours.  Including the ride from my house (about 2.6km) it was 2 hours 10 minutes.  Excluding that, it was 2 hours 3 minutes!  That's not bad, considering I was planning on needing 2-1/2 hours to complete the run!

Now, granted, we had a tail wind, and as I mentioned before, I love a tail wind, so I know that I wouldn't have done this well had we been working with a cross- or head wind, but I don't care, I'm still proud!
I completed the distance!  One more benchmark to tick off!

One thing that had me quite puzzled, though, is my speedo.  My bike told me I was travelling at 27km/hr, but Carl's said 30. However, our distances seemed to match: over 100 meters there was no difference.  So how could he be going faster than me when we are going the same speed?  It was strange.

As an experiment, I passed him and got up to 30.5km/hr and his speedo said he was going 30.7.  But I was passing him.  Figure that one out!  I worked out my average over the distance and the variation is minimal compared to my speedo: speedo says 27.7 and calculator says 27.87.

I am reminded of my rowing machine that always shows a heart rate while I'm rowing, even if I'm not wearing my chest strap, and I am always left to wonder if I can even consider trusting the heart rate that displays while I am wearing it. Should I bother to trust the equipment?  Maybe this is a sign that I should avoid getting new shiny toys, as they just can't be trusted?  Or maybe it's a sign that says I should get new toys because mine are old and breaking down, and new ones will be more accurate...

Well, now that I've showered, eaten and bragged, I need to go have a nap! :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Far Out... Sixteen Weeks to Go!

This was a tough Friday in many ways.

I felt quite useless at work today.  I accomplished stuff, but really wasn't my top productive self.  I hate days like that. I like being at work and feeling useful and creative and energised! Not so much today!

I realised it's been a long time since Mat and I had a real break. Our last holiday was in January, and I think we're due. So, to be sure we're not completely burnt out by Christmas, he and I are planning a week off during the next school holidays in September.

Anyway, onto the exercise!

I went for a treadmill run with Helen and Amanda after work today.  5km in 29:40, much of it run at 10, 11, and 12km per hour. I can't maintain 12 for very long, but can run almost a whole kilometre at 11!  Thinking of going to the Bunbury Fun Run on 1st August.  The girls want to make a big weekend of it.  Sounds great, and a great chance to pump my training distances back up over 10km!

I checked TKs leg, and he seems quite sensitive about it (doesn't want me to touch it), but it's healing neatly, is clean and no discharge.  It's still quite swollen though.  But so far I haven't had reason for concern.  Will continue to watch it. Am aiming for an endurance ride in August now.

I am meant to be paddling starting this week, but I still haven't got my hands on a paddle.  I tried using a broom handle, but it was too short and too light, and just felt silly.  Really must organise a paddle ASAP!

I was also going to spin when I got home, but I have been talked into cycling to Nyabing Saturday morning with the girls.  That's about 55km.  The weather has been absolutely vicious the last few days, storms and winds and unpredictable messes, so I'm hoping it's not too bad tomorrow.  The high is meant to be 16 degrees, and the weather channel says only 20% chance of rain, which means most likely scenario is just gusting winds. And, if we've planned it right, those winds will be behind us!
I love tail winds!
As always, I'll keep you updated!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday & Thursday

Wednesday was a big day.

It was a lovely morning (12 degrees and sunny!), so I ran 5.6km outside. I was aiming for 6, but my knee played up again and I chose to call it quits early.  I think that's just because I was running on the road again, not on the soft, supportive running belt of a treadmill, so it was just responding to the extra impact.  It was painful enough to force me to walk on two occasions.

On one hand, I always feel like I've failed if I walk during a run, but on the other hand, I feel better and can carry on faster and more comfortably after a short walk, so it's well worth taking the 30-60 second break and allowing the knee to realign or whatever it is that's going on inside there.

I'm also looking back and thinking, I haven't been over 7km in quite a few weeks and really need to get back on the distance building program.

As already posted, I also took TK to the vet, so that took up a large portion of my morning, so I didn't get the shopping done or make lasagne, but still had plenty of goodies to eat.  Having a good stock of muesli (granola) bars and individual serves of yoghurt, fromage frais, and fruits on hand makes ensuring I eat enough of the right things first before I consider eating any of the tempting junk at work.  I have cut down my extras by a huge amount just by having snacks and a real lunch on hand this week.

I taught Balance Wednesday night, and although I intended to 'spin' when I got home, I was really tired.  Not just bored or lethargic, but falling-asleep-on-the-couch-tired.  So I didn't do anything extra after work.

Thursday I turned out to be just as tired! Time to take a serious overdose of Vitamin Bs and Ds!  My body is feeling strong, but my mind is as fuzzy as a wool sweater!  So I am declaring Thursday a rest day, and have rented a movie and will just enjoy a quiet night with Mat.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

TKs Leg Update

Well, TK is going to be just fine.

He's a good clotter, and there's almost no discharge, and within 8-14 days he should be just fine.  So Dr Maxwell said I am only to clean it if there's discharge, and only call him if he rips a stitch out or opens the wound.  He needs a two week spell and then I should be able to go back to training as usual.  Here's a picture of the wound.  It's going to clean up nicely I think.

But if his behaviour today is going to be any indication of how he'll behave after a spell, I think I need to be doing a lot more ground and respect work with him.  

He was an absolute sh*t loading onto the float after getting his bandages off.  He walked straight on to go there, and then would NOT load to come home.  It took me an hour, but we got there.  Not really sure what was up with him, but he was grinding his teeth and bug eyed and really naughty.  Very unusual for him, so I must have been slipping with his basic manners the last few weeks and not noticed little transgressions.  TK tested me today, and I'm hoping I came out on top.  He did load, and he did do it my way and with little resistance in the end, but man I had to summon every ounce of patience I have!

Kudos to me for being patient and getting it done without resorting to aggression or ropes or brute force (because humans always lose out on a show of brute force against a horse), but used a reminder of his basic lessons, and of pressure and release.

But I give myself a thumbs down for only working with him when I want to ride him.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

On Track on Tuesday

Well, I did most of what I planned today!  Which is good considering how listless I was feeling for most of the day.  I could barely make eye contact with people, it was too much like hard work!

But, I taught a circuit class to some teenagers, which was fun, though I didn't really get a workout, just took the chill of by demonstrating exercise form.  It is damn cold inside my workplace!

I also didn't run, which is unfortunate.  I got off work early, but had to feed the fish, cats, dogs and horses before dark, and by the time I got all that done I only had about 20 minutes of light left.  I considered going to the gym, but didn't want to hog a treadmill again.  And again, I was feeling pretty blah, and was looking for an excuse.

But later on in the evening, I got bored and restless and agitated and kinda grumpy and annoying, so decided to turn on some good music and exercise like I planned instead of wussing out and sitting like a lump on the couch. Imagine what poor Mat would have copped if I had just sat there complaining all night!

So I rowed for 40 minutes (as per plan) and then did 30 minutes on the trainer to make up for the missing run. And I sang along (in a manner of speaking) to all these great old tunes, and just had a little party in my head. Just a thing to note: it's really hard to dance while rowing ... hehe

And afterwards I felt AMAZING.  I felt so much more energised!  Why didn't I do this earlier!?

Today's lesson:
If you don't feel up to exercising, try a little exercise!

Monday Again

How did the week come and go so quickly?  It seems time is speeding up!

Due to the horse being operated on, I didn't get a run in or anything on Monday, but I did have two great workouts!  Monday night we generally run Body Pump, but because Amanda was away and Kirsty has hurt her knee, I designed a Pump Circuit to take its place for the evening.  I only had 5 ladies show up for the class, but they were a really fun bunch and we all got a good workout!

Body Balance was a much bigger challenge after 50 minutes of weights!  I really enjoy Pump, and wish I had the qualification so I could instruct it.  But that's another discussion point all together!

Anyway, two great workouts on Monday night!  And I ate good all day, and had a treat of 4 Anzac Biscuits and a glass of milk with Mat at the end of the night.
Milk and cookies is possibly one of life's greatest treats! 

Monday, July 5, 2010

TKs Leg

I took TK in this morning to get his leg operated on. I thought it would be a matter of dropping him off and picking him up later, but I was pleasantly surprised!  Dr Maxwell was ready to operate and I could watch.  I wish I had brought my camera!  That sounds kinda gross, but it was really interesting!

TK was given a sedative, which he responded to almost immediately, which was really funny.  He was trying to eat his breakfast but couldn't chew, so all the food just dribbled out of his loose lips. I suppose that's one of those things you'd have to see to appreciate. :)

Anyway, Dr Maxwell said first plan is try to to cut along the top and bottom of the stick and try to push it out.  Failing that, he'd have to slice the whole length of the stick and then pull it out that way.

As it turns out, we had to cut the whole thing out, there was too much fibrous tissue developed around the twig holding it firmly in place.  All that excess tissue had to come out as well.  About 6 stitches went in and then it was wrapped and he was put in a stall to recover for awhile.

He's come home and is looking quite bright.  Doctors' orders are to keep him confined for a few days, and to keep an eye on the leg.  If there's any swelling below the bandage I need to cut some of the bandage away to take off the pressure.  If that fails to reduce the swelling, the whole bandage has to come off.  He will go back in on Wednesday morning for a follow up, to have the bandages off and possibly some of the stitches out already!  Depends on how it's mending.

Anyway, looks like he'll be none the worse for wear, will just need a few more days off.

Here's what we took out of his leg:

And here's the boy, relaxing in the sun.

There's Never Enough Sunday

I love Sunday. By the time Sunday rolls around I'm feeling wound down and domestic. I'm ready to potter all day. I'm pretty sure if left to my devices, I could accomplish anything on a Sunday, given enough time.

So this Sunday I painted my front hall.  Oh it is marvellous now!  Only first coat on, and will probably require three coats to get all that blue covered up.  But the front hall glows with welcome now!  It's no longer a deep cavernous hole!

At 3:45 Helen called and asked if I was riding at 4pm, so I quickly piled into my bike clothes and headed out for another cruise down Police Pools Road.  This time we had Graeme and Rachel joining us.  We were taking it pretty easily, as Rachel is a new rider, but Helen needed to get a few more miles banked up for the Tour, so she and I shot ahead. We were concerned about losing daylight (sunset at 5:15), so needed to put the pedal to the metal! We were going a pretty steady 27 most of the way out, and I was working hard to stick to her wheel for the length of the ride.  I was pretty pleased when, on the the return trip, I was able to stick to a 25ish average still!  Day two back on the bike and it felt great!

I must say, I am so lucky to have Helen and Carl as friends.  They are so active, supportive, and just generally great people.  They keep me motivated and help to push me where I wouldn't push myself.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

All About Saturday

Yesterday I cleaned TKs leg, which was still scabby from where he got poked with a stick back in March, and was very dismayed to see that the penetration wound was enlarged, rather than getting smaller. So I decided to go up to the vets and see what to do about it. We scheduled an appointment for 5pm and when she shaved the wound area and examined it, it was very clear that there was a foreign body in his leg!  So, he's had the area cleaned, a strong shot of antibiotics and surgery is scheduled for Monday morning at 9am.

In the meantime, I did lunge TK, rather than ride him, and he was a bit obstinate and it took a bit of effort to get him to just trot on command. He gave a good kick out at one point, and tossed his head lots. I guess he was fired up, or otherwise a bit disgusted with working after a two week spell.  In the end with did a bit of work on dropping his head.  That went well and he was all relaxed and loose lipped at the end.

At 3:30 I went for a bike ride!  Outside!  Yep outside!  It was only 11.5 degrees and I didn't freeze or anything!  I was cold, yes, but kept very warm with a vigorous ride. I rode 26km all up (just down Police Pools and back) and I was very surprised at how far it seemed! hehe How quickly we forget!  But I rode out well.  Nice and strong, probably a 25-27km average, but came back into a bit of a wind, which slowed me down considerably, but kept the work load high. I found it ironic that I could be both so sweaty and so cold at the same time. I will be doing the same ride tomorrow.  Bring on the Tour!

The rest of my day was filled with mundane tasks: bringing in wood, feeding the animals, laundry, floors, dishes, and groceries.

I also started keeping my food diary, and was making much better food choices. I got my two fruit today, but only one and a bit vegetables. One dairy. Not too much sugar, only two cups of tea. Lots of water. Ah so much better! The only worry I have now about the diary is that as I am not responsible to anyone but myself, if I don't complete it there will be no consequence.  An interesting problem!

I'm also trying to be a more positive thinker (I am a positive person, but want to be more so and more successful as a result), so here is a list of 5 successes for my day:
1) I didn't overreact to the leg wound.
2) I ate good food!
3) I went for a bike ride outside!
4) I went for a bike ride outside! (this counts for two! hehe)
5) I had a great training session with TK.
6) My house is nice and clean and has a nice warm fire going! (needed a 6th to be fair!)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fabulous Friday

Fridays are always fabulous, assuming you don't have to work on Saturday, and I don't!  I love Friday!!

Today I did a good workout in Circuit, which is great cross training for all my other sports.  Two minutes on a cardio machine, 2 x 1 minute weight exercises, repeat, repeat, repeat!  I got a good workout in, but it wasn't one of those "I feel great!!" workouts.  It was more of a "Thank goodness, I really needed to do this today" kind of workout.  Everything felt heavy and hard and difficult.  And I think that had a lot to do with my diet.

Yesterday was Canada Day, and I ate Nanaimo Bar and lots of other little treats.  And I had a very naughty toasty for breakfast.  I haven't had enough vegetables - in fact, I don't think I've had a single serve of vegetables all day today, and probably had no more than 2 serves on any day over the last week.  I've had too many cups of tea, with a teaspoon of sugar each, and have been drinking it instead of water because I'm always so cold. I tried to eat a banana, but it was grossly under-ripe and I couldn't finish it, so I haven't had fruit for two days, and haven't been eating my two fruit consistently for weeks now!  I haven't had any good light dairy, except a splash of milk in a cup of tea, for a week.  I haven't eaten meat, red or otherwise, for over a week, maybe two (I honestly can't recall the last time I ate meat), and it's been at least a week as well since I had fish.  I have eaten several convenience meals.  I'm pretty sure there's nothing good to be had in anything that can be microwaved in under 2 minutes (never mind the fact that I have looked at the nutrition label of a Spinach and Ricotta Roll and the healthiest thing about them is the name!)  And oh so many other 'failings' too numerous to mention!

In other words, I have failed to fuel my body correctly.

And I am paying for it.  I'm tired. I'm sluggish.  My efforts are noticeably slower, lighter, less effective.  My energy is down and that kills my motivation.  I lack focus. I almost feel depressed!

And I wonder how I slipped off the good nutrition wagon!?

And I wonder how I am going to avoid falling off like this again.

Back on the wagon now, starting with a nice hearty stew and a side of wholegrain crackers, light philly cheese and chunky salsa on top for my evening meal.  I need to ensure I'm fuelled up and paying attention to what I eat.  I am considering keeping a food diary to see if that will raise awareness for me. I kind of object to this at a deep down level, because I find it odd to have to think about food so much, but I think it will be an enlightening exercise for me. Unfortunately, although I enjoy good food, my eating habit is to fill the hole rather than fuel the machine.

If I am hungry I will eat whatever is nearby, and sometimes that hunger is crazy voracious and insatiable!  I must eat NOW!  But, if I'm not hungry, I'm just not thinking about food, so I don't plan ahead and I forget to bring a good lunch, or enough snacks.  So although I've bought all the right stuff and have it at home, it doesn't make it to work with me.  And there aren't a lot of healthy treats available at our canteen.

Whenever I fall off the food wagon I go back to doing a meal plan and follow recipes and do really good. And then I get complacent, I get careless, then start to feel blah and wonder what's going on.  Time to beat that cycle.

My nutritional goals:
- 2 fruit daily
- 5 serves veg daily
- 1 serve fish weekly
- 1 serve other meat weekly
- other non-animal proteins daily (mostly through beans... I love beans!)
- 3 serves of dairy daily (can also count as my protein source for the day)
- no more than 2 cups of tea daily (not including tisanes and herbals (decaffeinated & unsweetened) which I will use as an alternative warm beverage)
- only one processed/pre-packaged "treat" per week (chocolate, pie, whatever)

I also think that I need to do an affirmation every day:
The better I eat, the better I feel.
Simple, but true! And as I've been learning more about positive thinking, I feel this might help me too.

So, I will start each day with that affirmation, and keep a food diary with planned and actual columns, as well as check boxes for each time I eat my fruit, vegetables, or dairy.

Fingers crossed!

Tour de Katanning

So for those into bikes, the biggest of the big, the hum-dinger of 'em all, the Tour de France starts this weekend.

I never really cared much for it. What's so interesting about watching guys pedal on TV?  I find it about as interesting as soccer or cricket.  I love the highlights, but don't really need all the boring commentary in the middle.

But we have many a cycling nut in Katanning and I have been sucked into the melee, and am now doing 300km in the next two weeks during the Tour de France as part of a team effort to travel the distance of a single competitor in the Tour.

It's actually pretty cool.  Katanning has organised two teams (mine's going to win!) and Wagin and Kojonup have both put in teams, too.

Starting Saturday, every kilometre I do won't just count towards my training, but towards my teams' goal of 3600ish kilometres.  Time on the trainer is granted as the equivalent of 25km/hr, so I should be able to do 50-75 trainer km per week easily, and then will do two outside rides each weekend, of 30-45km each.  I think that'll add up to my 300.

I can't believe I am going to ride outside!  It's freezing! Will the madness never stop!?


I am reminded, now, that I am in Australia (how could I forget?!).  Yes, it is the middle of winter, and the temps are only getting close to 15 at their warmest each day (past 5 days: 14, 14, 13, 14, 12). It cools to 0 or so overnight, but probably averages 10 for most of the daylight hours.  It comes with cold winds and rain, yes.  But, hey, there isn't any snow, so what am I complaining about!?

If this was winter in Canada, first of all, if it ever hit 15 in the middle of winter we'd all bust out our shorts and T-Shirts!  Second of all, it's minus 15 all the damn time and there's snow and ice everywhere.  And although I was among the Canadian hibernators, many people were still very active in the winter.  In fact, even I ran along the river in Calgary through the winter.  And all I am experiencing here in Australia right now is Canadian spring weather.

The point of these wandering thoughts on the weather?

A reminder to myself:
Toughen up cupcake, it's only weather, and it could be worse!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Weak Wednesday

Wednesday was a big day for 'stuff' but not a great day for training.

I had to move the horses from the big paddock back to the house paddock.  Horses require lots of 'things', like rugs, feed, hay, grooming supplies, and so on. And I moved them, and all their things from one side of the road to the other.  As I was just about finished, Lauren stopped in to pick up a few of her things as well, and I ended up helping her move a few items, and she then helped me drag a cast iron tub across the road so I had an extra water trough!  So we got all that done at about 11am.  There was plenty of 'movement' and 'heavy lifting' but I don't consider any of that training.

I also had to get a key cut and buy some groceries, and by the time I got that done, showered, made and ate lunch it was time to head to work.

What training did I do?

I taught Balance, and then I did 30 minutes on the bike at home, the equivalent of only 12.5km!