Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I didn't do my Circuit workout today.  No good excuse, just didn't feel like it, even though I know the strength training is great cross training and helps to maintain my muscles and strength and alignment, thus helping to avoid pain and injury.  I am reminded of a post from Jody from truth2beingfit.com.
Do you do what you know?
The answer is an apparent NO. :)

But I did do a 6km run after work. I was feeling really good and was actually thinking that I'd go for 7km, but  by 5:30pm the gym was filling up and I was feeling pretty conscious of the fact that I was hogging the treadmill. We only have three treadmills, and of those, the new one, the awesome 'space ship', is broken.  So, I hopped off after reaching my goal.  I ran for a very large portion of my run between 10.5 and 11 km per hour.  That was pretty awesome.  I am trying to get faster and go further!

Got home (after feeding two horses, two fish, two cats, two dogs, then another cat and a dog...) and although I did watch a bit of news, I didn't cycle because I was already showered and in my jammies by 6:30pm!

Now time for an early night and a big Wednesday!

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