Wednesday, July 7, 2010

TKs Leg Update

Well, TK is going to be just fine.

He's a good clotter, and there's almost no discharge, and within 8-14 days he should be just fine.  So Dr Maxwell said I am only to clean it if there's discharge, and only call him if he rips a stitch out or opens the wound.  He needs a two week spell and then I should be able to go back to training as usual.  Here's a picture of the wound.  It's going to clean up nicely I think.

But if his behaviour today is going to be any indication of how he'll behave after a spell, I think I need to be doing a lot more ground and respect work with him.  

He was an absolute sh*t loading onto the float after getting his bandages off.  He walked straight on to go there, and then would NOT load to come home.  It took me an hour, but we got there.  Not really sure what was up with him, but he was grinding his teeth and bug eyed and really naughty.  Very unusual for him, so I must have been slipping with his basic manners the last few weeks and not noticed little transgressions.  TK tested me today, and I'm hoping I came out on top.  He did load, and he did do it my way and with little resistance in the end, but man I had to summon every ounce of patience I have!

Kudos to me for being patient and getting it done without resorting to aggression or ropes or brute force (because humans always lose out on a show of brute force against a horse), but used a reminder of his basic lessons, and of pressure and release.

But I give myself a thumbs down for only working with him when I want to ride him.

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