Friday, April 16, 2010


Friday is a rest day. I like rest days. And to make the day better, I got off work around 3pm again, so again with the daylight! And I went for coffee with a friend, a sure fire indication I don't get out enough when I can't recall the last time I went for coffee with a friend...

After coffee I fed and rugged the boys, and then came in and played on the computer and found this great new blog (well, new to me, she's been at it for some time!)

Now there's an inspiration, she works 50+ hours a week and still rides two horses and runs! So, hey, I can definitely do this thing, I only work about 40 hours a week. I just need to apply a little time management skills and commitment.

And I like her idea of going for a run with the horse in hand. Then the horses gets some exercise and so do you. I'm a little unsure about running down the highway with him, but there's plenty of gravel roads and quiet back roads around... oh, now I'm going to hop on my bike and calculate some distances! That's my cycle for tomorrow planned!

Plan for tomorrow: run easy 4km, bike 20-40km, ride horse approximately 1 hour at walk and trot. And get groceries and new windscreen wiper blades!

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